Food Drive: Supporting Afghan Families in Need

On Monday, December 30, 2024, the Calgary Immigrants for Immigrants Association (CIIA) hosted a food hamper distribution event to assist Afghan families experiencing food insecurity. The food hampers, generously provided by Guru Nanak Free Kitchen, were distributed with the help of CIIA’s dedicated team of volunteers.

This initiative was designed to address the unique challenges faced by newcomer families as they transition to life in Canada. Many of these families, particularly those with multiple dependents, encounter significant obstacles such as financial constraints, language barriers, and limited access to culturally appropriate resources.

Events like this not only provide essential support but also foster a sense of community and belonging. By bringing people together in times of need, we strengthen the bonds that build resilience and hope among our diverse communities.


Meeting with Minister Rajan Sawhney- Minister of Multiculturalism and Immigration


Basic English Classes for the Afghan Community